Spread the word. Spread The Word. Get Rewarded.

How it works…

  • Spread the word.

    You worked hard to build your community. They look to you for advice, encouragement, and support. You remind them that they are not alone in their struggle to navigate parenthood and raise children who love Jesus.

    Bibbelbubs solves a few parenting problems. We eliminate the struggle of bath and bible story time at the end of a long day by making it fun for kids. We create a space for parents to teach their child about God in an engaging and easy way.

    When you spread the word about Bibbelbubs, you offer Christian parents an opportunity to make their lives a little easier, connect with their child, and connect their child to God.

  • Spread The Word

    Every time you lead a new parent to Bibbelbubs, you are getting God’s word into the hands, ears, and heart of a child. You are creating a space for parents to connect with their child and teach them about God. You are creating an opportunity for a child to encounter God and be molded by His word.

    We are on a mission to raise up the next generation of Christian leaders. That mission starts right now. It starts when a child is able to find their identity as a child of God, created on purpose and for a purpose. An identity rooted in and defined by God’s word.

  • Get Rewarded.

    Your time is valuable. It took time to build your community and it takes time to share brands with a mission you believe in.

    We do not take this for granted. You deserve to be rewarded for your time and hard work.

    We offer a 15% commission on the total order value. Our current AOV is $45 and will only increase as we add new products to our line. Your affiliate cookie lasts 60 days. If your lead needs a little more encouragement from our re-targeting ads, you still get your reward.

    Your reward goes straight to your PayPal account.

Everything you need to set you up for success.

You need the product, photos, and videos to help spread the word. We got you covered.Sign up to start the conversation and see if we would make a great team.